Bike Fittings
What to Expect
Our clinic is able to offer certified bike fittings with Laura Comtois. Laura has been working in this field since 2010. You will have a personalized session with Laura lasting approximately two hours where she will help you to improve comfort, efficiency and performance on your indoor and/or outdoor bike.
See below for more detailed information about the appointment time as well as a bike fitting waiver that should be filled out prior to your appointment.
Knee Angle Before, 5.4 Degrees
Knee Angle After, 3.2 Degrees
Take a look at how proper bike fitting can reduce the strain on a knee. The 2.2 degree difference in Keith’s knee angle was gained by adding a spacer to his pedal, therefore improving his knee to foot angle. This not only reduces the strain on his knee, but also improves efficiency and power! Come see Laura at Fit For Life for your bike fitting this season!
Schedule an appointment with Laura at Fit For Life for your bike fitting this season!